Spotify Finally Makes It’s Debut As A Xbox One Application

Spotify is one of the most popular Music streaming applications out right now. Making it’s way into iOS & Android early, it has now available in the Xbox One Store. The UI looks & feels pretty similar to the already available Playstation & Android TV version.

Spotify Finally Makes It's Debut As A Xbox One Application


It has all Spotify features like Switching between devices, Controlling volume, Changing tracks from your phone etc. Now, you have both Free & Premium type account options available. So, no matter what kind of account you use, you’ll get the available flexibilities associated with that kind of account. For Free, the flexibilities are quite limited but, for Premium you get those full featured options.

With Spotify for Xbox One, you also get options for accessing Gaming Playlists. Also, it includes supports Background Playback so, while playing games, you can play music in the background.

Spotify Music is available from Xbox Store and is currently available in 34 Countries across the globe.


So, what is your favorite Music streaming application ? Do you use Spotify or something else ? Let us know in the comments section right below this article !




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