Exactis A Leading Marketing Industry Leaked More Than 300 Million Personal Information

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If you are based in the US & are under the impression that your data is secure then it’s time to rethink. Exactis, one of the leading marketing and data research company has publicly leaked 340 million data easily accessible to any hackers.

According to the sources, it is said that there was no major leaked made like credit cards details, social accounts, and others. It is said that the leaked data contains information on around 60% population. The data leak has information about almost all the youngsters & professional businessmen based in the US.

Vinny Troia, a security researcher claimed that a data broker based in Florida made this data exposed in a public access server. The leak size of 2TB leaked did not carry any other important data but carries every personal information. When searched for the data, it was found around 230 million consumers data & 110 million business contacts in the database.

With just basic information, it is quite clear that the data will give no harm, but these data can be easily distributed among the frauds to collect more information about you. Since this leak, there has been no official communication made by the company. This is clearly a data breaching activity & hope the company to take some actions against them.


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